The Gambia is generally recognized as having perhaps the most agreeable climate in West Africa.
The weather is subtropical with distinct dry (7 Months) and rainy seasons.
There is a dry wind called the Harmattan which blows during the dry season. The Harmattan Sahara winds give the Gambia a uniquely pleasant winter, completely rainless and blessed with daily sunshine.
From November to May, the temperature varies between 70oF (21oC) and 80oF (27oC) and the relative humidity stays between 30% and 60%.
Summer temperatures range between 80oF (27oC) and 90oF (32oC) and the relative humidity is high.
The rains begin in June and continue to October, conceding with the warmer weather.
Inland, the cool season is shorter, and by the day high temperatures are encountered between March and June.
Generally, there is considerable cooling off in the evening.
Rainfall in most parts of the country does not exceed 40 inches (1,016 Millimeters) and sunny periods occur on most days even in the rainy season.