Lovelines: It is sad, I am pregnant for my husband’s half-brother

Friday, February 15, 2008


I got married after completed my grade 12. But ever since then I never one day treated as a woman by my husband.

Each time I try to make love with him there must be an obstruction either from the family or work, which he must surely attend to and leave me to  languish in loneliness.

He is always busy he doesn’t have time for me. Right now he is on work break abroad. Now I am pregnant for his half brother who is staying with me because his brother, my husband, is not around.

My husband’s half-brother promise to marry me  if  only I can tell my husband the truth that he is not the owner of the baby that I am carrying. But it is painful for me to live my husband because it is now eight years old love.

Equally I love him so much but the only problem is that he does not make me feel like a woman. But his brother is very caring whenever I am with him he makes me feel like a real woman. My husband is nice to me but he doesn’t respect my feelings. So please help me before I do something bad. I am confused.


Really solitude is the playfield of satan. What has happened now is part of solitude handwork. This is a serious matter if you do not think very well this can cause a fracas in the family. What had happened between you and your husband half brother is abnormal hence you are a married lady.

At the look of things your husband half brother wanted to take you over from your husband. Sincerely it was his plan to have you but not to fight your loneliness. It is a matter of choice that require a self decision because if you married him it is going to be a war between your husband and his half brother.

And if you do not marry him the death both of you will like to burried will be one day exhumed. The pregnancy you are carrying will become a controversial child because he will one day tell the child or your husband that he owns the child.

This your hidden affairs can cause pandemonium into a family if you refuse to be wise. Try to accept the shame and tell your husband what has transpired between you and his half brother.

If not you might live to regret it because I am very confident that his half brother despite his assurance will not marry you. He is only saying this to encourage you. However, pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding some thing to live for, great enough to die for - which is the pregnancy.

So think of three things. first, ready to tell your husband, ready to call off this your relationship with his half brother and ready to divorce. Whatever the case maybe  listen to your heart! For more clarification do not hesitate to call. Happy Valentine!

I am not bad looking with a very nice figure


I am a gal of 22. I am not bad looking, but I really can not find a guy who loves me for who I am. All guys wants from me is to have sex with me. I have a very nice figure and lots of guys approaches me. Since they can not get what they are looking for they will take to their heels.

I wants a guy who will really love me but I can’t find one. I meet guys who are very nice but deep inside me I know that they just wants a fling. There was a guy I met and I like him a lot but all he want is sex. I asked him if that’s all he wants from me he said no but we still need to have sex  to really show him that I love him. And I am not ready for that now. I got a lot of love attention from guys but I know that they all wants the same thing. Please help.


Oh beauty lady it is a pity that many men feel that sex is everything. It is because sexuality is the lyricism of the masses when they are in love so sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to reverence life until we know how to understand sex.

Therefore, take your time the right man that will love you for who you are will surely come when it is time. Just try to continue getting in tourch with Lovelines and do not forget to always buy a copy. Your lucky man is on the way. Happy Valentine!

He is too jealous


I am 22 a business woman. I have been dating an older guy for couple of years now, we have not gone peacefully for complete 1 month, he is too jealous, and we break up 3 times now but we always come back after 2-3 months. We break up with no good reason, now we break up again for the fourth time, what should I do, wait or move on?


You have your right to live. Since your break up is always cause by a flimsy excuses from each other, it means both of you do not understand and tolerate one another.

Remember love does not fight, quarel or annoy. If any of this three always lead to your break up it is because the love both of you nurse lack prudent, pleasant, understand, strong and patient. So you have to know that there is no disguise which can hide love for long where it exists, or simulate it where it does not. If you believe that when you come back together you will not break up again go on and continue it is valentine. But if you really know in your mind that you will break again, call it quit once and for all because you do not need UN for peace making. Happy Valentine!

I am afraid


I have a girl who loves me so much. I have never experienced such love in my life. But I am afraid because of what my ex  lover has done to me.


Well your text is incomplete because you did not stated what your ex as done to you. Whichever way you should act like a man and forget about the past if you want to move forward, but let your past be part of your guidance. If she love you, try to love her back because it is a thing from the heart. Happy Valentine!

I dream of hislove every night


There is a guy in mine heart, his love is driving me crazy. I am an ardent reader of Lovelines formerly, we are in the same town. One day he sent his cousin to tell me that he love me but I never belief his cousin without knowing that I am dying for him myself. It is almost one year now. I dreamt about him regularly, whenever I see him the way I use to feel, I can’t even explain it. So what should I do?


If you really know that the love you have for him is not infatuation or fake but really from the bottom of your heart. You are encourage to give him a call and let him know how you feel about him.

Another short cut, you can have a brief gist with him on the phone and before you ring off give him a romantic and affectionate kiss over the phone. Definitely he will open back and refile his love application in a maturity way with you. Better still confide your feeling to his cousin she will do the magic. Happy Valentine!

Is there a sensitive man?


Is there a sensitive man in this world because I want a man that is sensitive? I have one that I love so much but my mum and dad want me to get married to my uncle son.


Really there are lot of sensitive men all you need is to take your time when selecting. Since you have one already that you love so much, it is left to you to hold him to higher esteem and tell your parents it is a old archaic for a parents to chose or force their daughter to marry a member of the family. Happy Valentine!

A decision to stickto one man


I am a grade 12 student 19 dating three guys at a time. They all love and care for me. Now that I am about to finish my grade 12, I took a decision and wanted to stick with one man at a time. But I don’t know what to do.


Follow your heart wherever it take you. You are the one that dates this three guys and you know whom you love so much, understand grately and believe that understand and love you overly as you did. So make your choice among the three and feel free to choose. Happy Valentine!

He is having another gal and still jealous


My boyfriend jealous very easily any time I receive call in his presence. He always think that I have another boyfriend aside him despite his dating another girl.


Jealous is nothing but the foolish child of pride and love is as strong as death, jealousy is as cruel as the grave. That’s why Lawrence Durrel said “it is not love that is blind, but jealousy.” So tell him to stop  jealous that those calls you receive are harmless calls.

Tell him if he is jealous, you are jealous as well. If he can continue swimming between you and another girl because he have the right tell him you too have your right as well to receive calls from your male and female friends without consulting UN for permission. Happy Valentine!

Let your heart decide


I am reading your Lovelines with great interest and it is a good reason to buy the Weekend Observer.

As I am of the opinion that love is the only reality in life, to my survey it is one of the most important subjects in the paper. I have read about it, discussed with both male and female friends, practiced, held courses on relationship.

I have a clear opinion of what love should be in this world. As a Gambia resident originating from Europe where love is DEAD I have my cultural background as you have yours. When I read you I am not always sure if you really like to go deep and explain more about love, probably because of newspaper policy. Can the reader ponder on this: ‘Marriage is the death of love’ and ‘if marriage is a man’s chance to monopolize a woman?’ So a first step would be to try to describe what love is and the way to do that is to say what love is NOT and then describe what marriage is as love and marriage has very little to do with each other.

And now some additional comments to your article on the subject “A decision to marry a virgin.” This idea is of course pure archaic.

What a real man who looks for a love relation would like to have a relation with a virgin? It means that the man will undertake a big task to instruct this virgin how to make love and that can mean big problems.

 If they find out that they don’t work together, the centre will not be held because love means two equal parts in cooperation. And to describe the girls as soiled? Rubbish! Remember that love is always new! Even if the man and woman have had 100 partners each before meeting each other they will both feel as if it is the first time for them when they are facing the real love.

To live in the way of love, it is important to have some guidelines. So, in love, don’t ever hold back and never look back no matter what condition. It is necessary that we should always listen to our hearts in connection with love. When it comes to feelings the head with its think and analyst is useless.

However let the heart decide! In the beginning even the heart might be confused, as you have not used it. But when you start trusting your heart you will find it leads to your right. So try to read your heart and ask your heart is this guy/gal serious and you will get the answer.

Erik Olsson

Have you anything to share with Lovelines? Feel free to email:yunus2kay@yahoo.comor send SMS text to 7790689, 6560592.

Author: by Yunus S. Saliu