International football friendly Gambia slip to Luxemburg

Friday, February 9, 2007
The Gambia Senior Scorpions, under the guidance of German Antoine Hey, lost 1-2 to Luxemburg side in a fiery international football friendly match played last night in Luxemburg.

The Belgian-based midfielder, Mustapha Jarju put Gambia forward on 15th minute before Luxemburg replied with two quick-goals in the second interval.

Last night slip was Scorpions third successive defeats under coach Antoine Hey, who went into Luxemburg’s encounter in absence of the likes of Jatto Ceesay, Ebou Silla, Dawda Bah among other key players.

The Gambia is billed to take on Guinea in the 2008 Nations Cup qualifier campaign next month in Banjul.
Author: Written by Nanama Keita
Source: The Daily Observer
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