Gambia/Holland Festival Takes Center-stage

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Gambia/Holland festival, recently held in Holland, had served as a unique event of its kind and it demonstrated that when it comes to delivering the best in culture and hospitality, Gambia wins gold.

Hectares of parkland were devoted to the major cultural extravaganza and as many as six thousand people graced the fun-filled event with their presence.

As part of the festival, several associated events have dovetailed with participants, including exhibition and serving of Gambian drinks. The event offered an opportunity for the Dutch public at large to sample a range of Gambian drinks, all guaranteed to delight and captivate the mind, while stimulating the senses.

“The main aim of the festival and the associated events is to make potential visitors appreciate some of the good things of life The Gambia can offer when it comes to tourism. It had also served as a vital platform for discussing some of the advances in the Gambia’s tourism sector,” enthused Ebrima Solomon Tamba, one of the organizers of the festival.

Mr. Tamba, also the Proprietor of the clean Kunta Kinteh Beach Bar and Restaurant, told Momodou Justice Darboe in an interview that those who attended the festival were so impressed that some of them couldn’t wait to visit The Smiling Coast.

According to Kunta Kinteh boss, who recently returned from the Scandinavia as part of the summer break, he was able to hold talks with many people in Holland and the U.K and that a couple have in fact expressed interest in organizing similar event in the U.K.

Turning to this year’s winter season, Mr. Tamba said the season had got off to a promising start and that there appears to be lots of prospects.

“One thing worthy of mention here is the familiarization visit of tourism outfits by the tourism secretary of state. The visit is unprecedented and we were able to discuss with her some vital issues bordering on the growth of the tourism sector. The meeting was the first of its kind and was very fruitful,” he added.

Source: The Point