Geographical Facts about The Gambia

Geographic coordinates: 13°28'N, 16°34'W

Timezone: GMT

Land boundaries:
Total: 740 km
Border countries: Senegal 740 km
The country's present boundaries were defined in 1889 after an agreement between the United Kingdom and France.

Country Size:
Total: About 10,360 square kilometers of which 1,300 km² are water.
East to west: 480 kilometers - the country is less than 48km wide at its greatest width.
Near the mouth of The River, the country is over 48 kilometers wide but further upriver the width diminishes to 24 kilometers.

Coastline: 80 km

Elevation extremes:
Lowest point: Atlantic Ocean 0 m
Highest point: unnamed location 53 m

Land use:
Arable land: 18%
Permanent crops: 0%
Permanent pastures: 9%
Forests and woodland: 28%
Other: 45% (1993 est.)

River Gambia
Total Length: 1,130 km (700 miles) from the Fouta Djallon plateau in north Guinea westward to the Atlantic Ocean at the city of Banjul. It is navigable for about half that length.
The River Gambia is several miles wide at its mouth near Cape St. Mary and has a bar with a depth of 27 feet (8. 1 Meters). It narrows to three miles (4.8 Kilometers) at Banjul where the ferry to Barra operates. Ocean-going vessels up to about 3,000 gross registered (241 Kilometers) to Kuntaur. The River is also navigable to steamers for 140 miles (225 Kilometers) farther upstream.
For the first 80 Miles (129 kilometers) inland from Banjul, The River Gambia is fringed with mangrove-covered banks, which give way to red ironstone cliffs crowned with a tangle of green vegetation. Farther up River, the ironstone cliffs give way to banks of waving grass and parklands. The whole River and the numerous creeks (locally known as 'Bolons') which join it are fascinating to the bird lover and the student of nature: Hippopotami, Crocodiles and Dog-faced baboons are often seen.