Skin Food

Monday, December 17, 2007

We all want to have clear, perfect skin. Having great skin doesn't only depends in genetics. Genetics only counts for ten per cent, while the other ninety per cent is due to external factors and the care we give to the skin. Skin food or the nutrients we eat such as vitamins and minerals play an essential role in how the skin looks and behaves.

As you might know to achieve better skin there are several factors that you have to take notice of

1- Don't fry your skin in the sun
2- Don't smoke
3- Stress is a no-no
4- A healthy and balanced diet is a must
5- Keep drinking water
6- Keep moisturizing
7- Be naughty now and then...

Why skin food is so important for the skin

Because the skin's cells are renew every twenty eight days, it needs a constant supply of nutrients which are essential for the growth and appearance of the skin. When the skin receives all the nutrients it needs, it will look healthier and plumper. Hydration is also necessary for the skin. As well as getting the water from the food we eat such as fruits and vegetables, is also recommended to drink at least six glasses of water a day.

The following skin food is essential for a healthy and glowing skin.

Good Fats

- Monounsaturated fats- Lower cholesterol. We can find them in avocado and nut and olive oil.

- Polyunsaturated fats- Lower cholesterol. We can fin them in vegetable oils, fish, nuts.

- Vitamin E- Is a vitamin with great antioxidant power, helping to neutralize free radicals, preventing aging skin. We can find this skin food in vegetable oils, wholemeal cereals and green vegetables.

Food for you skin: Vitamins

- Pro-vitamin A or beta carotene- It is transform in vitamin A in the organism and has a great antioxidant action. We can find it in green leaf vegetables and red, orange or yellow vegetables and fruits.

- Vitamin A- It is essential for skin regeneration. Is only present in food of animal origin such as liver, egg yolk and dairy.

- Lycopene- Is an antioxidant pigment which gives the tomato its color. Is present in tomato, water melon, pink grapefruit, apricots...

- Vitamin C- Powerful antioxidant action, which is essential for collagen production. We can find this skin food in fresh fruits and vegetables such as peppers, citrus, strawberries, tomatoes, kiwis...

- Folic acid or vitamin B9- Helps with cellular renovation. Is present mainly in leaf green vegetables, fruits, fortify cereals, liver and green legumes.

- Vitamin B2 or riboflavin- Helps to convert carbohydrates into energy. Prevents and treats cataracts, rheumatoid arthritis and some skin disorders. We can find it in dairy, eggs, meat, fish, liver, legumes...

- Vitamin B3 or niacin- Helps to control blood sugar levels and with the nervous and digestive systems. Good to maintain a healthy skin. Is present in red meat, poultry, fish, fortify cereals, and dry fruit.

- Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid- This skin food is good for healthy skin and hair. Helps to lower cholesterol. Takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids. Is present in eggs, fresh vegetables, legumes, liver, nuts, red meat, whole wheat.

- Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine- Takes part on the metabolism of zinc, a mineral that forms part of the epidermis, which is the top layer of the skin. Is present in oily fish, meat, eggs, nuts, fortify cereals, bananas, spinach...

Food for healthy skin: Minerals

- Selenium- Mineral with antioxidant action, which protect the organism from several diseases such as skin cancer, heart conditions, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, cataracts...Is present in meat, fish, seafood, cereals, eggs, fruits and vegetables.

- Zinc- Forms part of the epidermis. Supports a healthy immune system, is essential for wound healing, cell reproduction and tissue growth. We can find it in meat, fish, eggs, fortify cereals, and grains.

- Iron- A lack of this mineral can cause pale skin and anemia. Is present in red meat, fish, eggs, nuts, cereals, legumes, grains and leaf green vegetables.

About the Author:

For more information in skin care, please visit We are passionate about all things related to skin care, specially anti aging skin care and offer advice, home made beauty tips, anti aging skin treatments and the best deals on skin care products to improve your skin condition. If you would like to keep up with the latest skin care and beauty news, please subscribe to my newsletter "better skin" at

Author: Submitted By: Blanca Ciotoiu
Source: Article Source: