Be Flexible

Friday, May 11, 2007

Often in a relationship as it has been said a number of times that couple come in argument with each other. Argument and conflict are a part of a relationship and very normal. There is nothing wrong if you argue on a point. But what is really incorrect is that usually couples stick to their point in spite of being proved wrong out of an ego. Neither of the partners is ready to accept the fault. It is here where the actual problem starts.

Generally what happens is that one of the partners is right and the other incorrect. It is also true that at various points a particular partner in not always right. It is either ways. At times he is correct while at other moments she is right. It is both ways. Each one of us can have right and wrong opinion at various points. What we need to do is accept when we are on the wrong.

Whenever you are caught in such a situation analyze between the difference of thought and argument rather than just holding on to what you are saying. Mostly people do not want to lower their heads in an argument as it is the cause of humiliation or insult. But remember that when you are in a relationship there should be no space for ego and self centeredness. You are required to be flexible and accept your faults. If you come into and argument and the communication gets heated up then try to recognize whether you are wrong or write. After all, the person you are in conflict with is not your enemy but your own. If you feel that the communication is out of control and you are correct but tour partner is not ready to accept his or her fault then change the topic or just bring the communication to a halt.

This is the best way to bring a discussion to an end that has no direction. Moreover it is necessary to be flexible in life and not rigid sticking to your own ideas and views. You should realize that at times someone else’s views and ideas work better than our own. What we think can work a times does not and what the other person says proves out to be correct. So you should learn to accept the views of others too. Being flexible in life is having an adjustable nature which relay makes a relationship strong. If you are flexible and make adjustments your partner too tries to be adjustable that helps the both of you. Adjustments do not mean making compromises or being submissive but accepting the right of opinion of others especially your partner. Once you start being flexible and accepting to what your partner wants to prove right then the next time he or she will also try to be like you and make adjustment out of concern. It is very normal. When you see the other person showing some understanding towards then the next time you do the same unless you are too rude.

Find more information visit: Be-flexible


Author: By: Emily Miller , Posted On: 2007-03-25
Source: Article Directory: