How To Make Good Choices For Happy Relationships

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Most people want very much to have someone special in their life that they can love and count on through the toughest times. Having a partner or mate is important to plenty of people, but finding the right person to have a long-term relationship can be a little difficult. The search for a partner can also mean experiences of choosing the wrong person and a few short-term relationships that don't work. Knowing how to choose the right person and what to look for can mean the difference between a lot of heartaches and a happy relationship with that perfect person.

The old adage that opposites attract is true, but when you're seeking out the perfect partner, avoid someone that you don't have anything in common with. There may be great chemistry at first and you may be very interested in someone different from you. Opposites do attract – for a while. Statistics aren't on your side for a long-term relationship with someone who is your opposite. Once you've gone through the fireworks of the first six months, you'll discover that your chosen partner lives a very different life from yours and you won't be compatible.

When looking for the perfect partner or mate, take a good long look inside yourself. Who you are and what your needs and requirements are the critical first steps in choosing a partner. What are you goals in life? If you have no idea of where you are going, then how would you know who you would want to go with you? Think of the things that you enjoy that you'd like to share with someone else. Having common interests is important for a long-term relationship.

Think about your morals, values, and beliefs. A long-term relationship with a perfect partner for you is someone that believes in the same things you do. If you choose someone with different morals or values, chances are the both of you will end up arguing often over what is right or which choice is the best.

Become the confident person who can and will attract the kind of person you want in your life. Confidence, not conceit, is very attractive. No one wants to be around a person with too many insecurities. There is truth to that old saying “To Thine Own Self Be True.” If you are not honest with yourself about you, then your search is almost doomed from the start. Everyone has emotional needs, and our natural tendency is to find someone that fills the void of what is missing. We can easily choose the wrong person if our motivation is to find someone to boost our self-confidence. Those issues should be settled before you enter into a relationship.

To find out more keys to building healthy happy relationships, we invite you to visit us at 24/7.


Author: By: Bj At
Source: Article Directory: