Never Would Have Guessed

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

When I was in fifth grade, I didn't care too much about boys. I was the average little girl who played with Barbie dolls. Therefore, when Jesse, the new boy, moved to Texas and enrolled in my Elementary School, I didn't really care. He was enrolled in my class and I thought he was cute, but at the same time he didn't look like a nice person. I tried only once to make friends with the new boy, he shrugged me off, so I never tried again.
He went with the other students to the local middle and high school and I went to different ones. So I never had contact with him again.

Later, near the end of my junior year of high school, my good friend from school, Josh, was coming over to visit me as he always did, but this time he brought his best friend whom I had never met before. He introduced me to his best friend, Jesse. We both remembered one another, but he still was not much of a talker. I instantly fell in love. I wanted him so bad, but I thought it was one of those dream guys that I would never get. I told Josh anyway about my sudden but true love for Jesse. He told Jesse and Jesse agreed to have feelings for me, but he had a girlfriend. Unfortunately, Josh only told me the part of him having a girlfriend. I decided not to bother with him, because I knew it would ever happen.

A month later, during April, Jesse broke up with his girlfriend and was anxious to get to know me. We actually began talking and he started coming over to my house without Josh. On April 28, Jesse asked me to be his girlfriend. With extreme happiness I said yes.

Ever since that day, we have never gone a day without seeing each other. Every living moment we are either together or speaking on the phone. Our love is true, real, and perfect. We know all we need in life is each other. We couldn't be happier and each day we are amazed that God has given us each the greatest gift we could ever recieve...each other. I never would have guessed that the new little boy in Fifth grade, would turn out to be my soul mate.


Author: by Keegan