Did You Know That Sweat Can Spread Hepatitis?

Friday, June 1, 2007

This information is very important for certain individuals to digest. And sometimes this is also an extremely unfortunate circumstance for someone to find him or her self in. Knowing that you can spread or catch hepatitis through sweat can cause a need for a complete alteration of someone's lifestyle. Hepatitis B has been found to be successfully transmitted into the bloodstream from one human being to another through the open, sweaty pores in the skin. This is because when someone sweats his or her pores are open not only to emit, but also to take in the materials around them. Often, this is air – the sweat cools and maintains the core body temperature so that someone does not overheat. Your open pores, side-by-side with the sweaty, open-pored body of another individual, make you more susceptible to possibly contracting this unfortunate disease.

The people whose bodies have contracted this kind of transmission through sweat: those who were first identified as an unintended “control group” were wrestlers. This lead scientists and researchers to study the phenomenon further – and in doing so quickly discovered their suspicions were in fact, true. Therefore, if someone drips some sweat on you or forgets to wipe down the exercise equipment at the gym it is still less likely to get you sick. This is because Hepatitis B is most likely contracted through contact sports. Open pores, side-by-side with the sweaty, open-pored body of another sweaty individual, is the most likely way to contract Hepatitis B.

Bleeding wounds, of course, have been narrowed down to the possible transmission of other sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, or what will eventually become full-blown AIDS. The scare for transmission of AIDS with bleeding is higher than the scare of contracting other information. However, according to Reuter’s Health in New York, there were studies on many people who contracted HBV. Deoxyribonucleic Acid, or DNA test results have proven that eight out of the nine tested individuals tested positive for signs of HBV in the blood as well as sweat. Therefore, patients whose blood tested positive for HBV was also transmitted through sweat of another person, possibly elusively so.

For example: you can have sex with someone and use a condom, but excessive sweat will keep you much less than 99.9 percent protected from the contraction of an STD. This article is designed to be an informative explanation focused specifically toward athletes. Nonetheless, I believe that this tangent of a paragraph is certainly worth mentioning. The safe sex issue we are facing today seems now to be much more complicated than simply abiding by the standard use of condoms and / or diaphragms. The “99.9 percent protection” of such products as promised on their labels, however, may (much sooner than later) need to be changed.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching, gardening, and fashion. For more of her articles on fitness, please visit americanfitness.net, supplier of high quality Cardio Equipment and Workout Clothes.


Author: By Anne Clarke
Source: EzineArticles.com