You Can Work Out While You Work

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Time Crunch, No Time For Crunches. The image of the modern women is of a person in motion. The demands of work and family do not seem to leave much time for taking care of yourself, and many women bemoan the fact that they do not have time for a workout. The good news is that establishing a regular fitness routine can help to boost your energy and can motivate your overall productivity and self confidence. The bad news is that there still are not enough hours in the day! One way to tackle the work/workout conundrum is to combine the two. Keeping active while working and regularly participating in a few low key exercises can actually help you to get more accomplished without taking time away from your family.

Keeping Active
Part of the problem with many work situations is that work can be repetitive and sedentary. Maintaining good circulation, adequate cardio stimulation and toned muscles can be difficult. No matter what your job situation is like, make sure you take advantage of every opportunity to get up, move around, and stretch muscles that can become cramped and sore. If you have access to a stairway, using them frequently is a great way to keep your blood pumping. While work can become involving, make sure you take quick breaks at least once an hour to move and stretch. Wearing a pedometer while you work can help you to keep track of how many steps you take each day.

Simple Desk-Friendly Exercises
Whether you work at home, in an office or almost any place of employment, there are simple exercises that you can do while at work. If you cannot find the time for a full workout, these mini-exercises can at least keep you toned and active.

Waist Toner
While sitting in a chair or standing, place your right hand behind your right hip and twist as far as you can to the right without straining. Hold this position for 5 seconds and turn front. Repeat this five times for the right side, five times to the left side and then alternate both sides for 10 repetitions.

Bicep Curls
Holding a standard water bottle (16 ounces) or a small paperweight in your hand, stretch out your arm in front of your body, palm side up. Gently bring your hand up to touch your shoulder. Repeat five times on each side. Next, do the same exercise, only bring your arm up to the side instead of the front.

Thigh Toner
While sitting, place a full water bottle (cap on!) between your knees. Pull in your abdomen muscles, sit up straight and squeeze the bottle with your legs. Repeat 10 times.

Ab Curls
Cross your arms over your chest and place each hand on the opposite shoulder. Pull in your abdomen muscles while bending your head, neck and shoulders forward. Hold this position for 5 seconds and repeat ten times. Next repeat the exercise, but instead of tightening your abdomen for 5 seconds, contract and release the muscles 5 times while bent forward.


Author: Author: Wendy Wood