Will Satellite Phones Replace The Regular Cell Phones

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

We know that the ordinary telephone system was used as a major tool for communication. This tool was only limited on places like homes, offices and telephone booths. But in 1987, the consumer demands for cellular phones quickly surpass the conventional telephone when the subscribers have exceeded one million in approximation.

In the real world, technologically advanced wireless phones have surely made our daily activities a lot easier, since it does not only limit us to places where there's a phone wire. However, everything existing has its own imperfections; there are also some parts of the world that is not conveniently close to a mobile phone transmitting tower thus, they are deprived of regular phone signal.

The good news is that there are phones that can provide services in many areas where cellular phones and landlines may never be able to go. These are the Satellite phones. Satellite phones can provide ultimate coverage literally everywhere for anyone when they're away from normal phone service. However, there are also trade-offs regarding some of its features. These phones are bulkier than regular cell phones and when it comes to coverage though it is close to universal, they usually don't work inside buildings or anywhere that has an obscured view of the sky.

In addition, satellite phones are also more expensive to purchase and their airtime rates are also higher. But, if you absolutely need a convenient and portable way of keeping in contact, they are the best option available. But how is it different from any normal cell phones?

Wireless phone services have much in common, whether they are using satellites or transmitting towers they are both using radio waves in sending their signal. However, because satellite phones have less bandwidth than regular cell phones, it achieves poorer quality sound and they lack some of the convenience we've come to expect of a regular cell phones.

Surely nobody would prefer to use a satellite phone when modern cell phones are available, but equally for sure, in the absence of a regular cell phone service, a satellite phone suddenly becomes the best alternative.

As a final point, Satellite phones are not an alternative to regular cell phones, instead, it is an alternate communication system when cell phones don't work.

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Electronics directory for websites & businesses for cell phone deals and other electronics, placed under the LinksJuice Shopping Directory.

Author: By: Terry Bytheway
Source: iSnare.com
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