Physical Fitness for Seniors

Friday, September 7, 2007

Keeping physically fit and active on a daily basis is beneficial for everyone. From our own experience we know that an active lifestyle enhances the quality of life, energizing and revitalizing considerably no matter at what age. Physical fitness for seniors is a must if they are to enjoy their lives to the full.

Older adults that lose the ability to do normal, every day activities on their own, doesn't have to mean that it's due to their age. Very likely it's due to inactivity over a longer period of time.

Seniors who are just starting with an exercise program, should absolutely first consult with their physician. This is an important aspect from a safety perspective. Since a physician knows the medical background their patients, he or she is the best and most reliable source to consult with on which activities are best and the appropriate level of intensity to include in the exercise plan.

A physician can provide expert advice suitable the patients needs, as well as assisting with any exercise program modifications where necessary and would be able to monitor the progress of that program on an ongoing basis and make adjustments along the way. It's possible that the physician would also be well informed of exercise programs in the area and could advise on this too.

The main points to consider for staying healthy, active and independent include: strength, endurance, balance, optimal posture, flexibility, maximum capacity for movement and producing more energy. It's important to remember that everyone is unique and therefore individual needs and abilities will vary, which is especially true of older adults.

A good starting point is to look for activities that you enjoy. Program options can include the following:

* weight - resistance training

* cardiovascular machine work i.e. treadmills, ellipticals, recumbent and upright stationary bikes, recumbent step machines

* walking out in the fresh air is always enjoyable or you could look into walking at an indoor track

* yoga and stretch classes or pilates

* gardening - which can bring so much joy

* swimming - fishing - biking - golf - bowling - tennis - dancing

Take the initiative to set realistic goals and find the best exercise activities to suit your needs. Exercising is fun and beneficial and is so important to the quality of your life.

About the Author
Lucy Jones is passionate about keeping active through fitness and healthy living in her later years. Physical Fitness for Seniors is important as older adults need to be actively involved in keeping healthy and fit so that their quality of life doesn't degenerate.

Author: by Lucy Jones