Accused spills the beans

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Soriba Kondi, a Guinean National who is currently serving a ten-year jail term for armed robbery and now standing trial for escaping from lawful custody has told the court that he has paid D50,000 to Sergeant Omar Jaharteh, for his escape.

Appearing before Principal Magistrate Moses Richards of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court, on Tuesday, Soriba Kondi, the accused further told the court that he is a businessman residing in Nema Kunku.

He further alledged that it was Sergeant Jaharteh who asked them to pay the money so that he can free them.

He said it was then that he ordered Adama Kondi, his elder sister to pay the said money to Sergeant Jaharteh in the presence of Amadou Jallow and Muhammad Darboe, who are also serving a seven year term.

Soriba Kondi further testified that five of them escaped but he was later apprehended and the four are still at large.  He said after they had paid the money, Sergeant Jaharteh told them that he could not release them, but he would give them alternatives.

According to him, on the day of their escape at Superbird, Serrekunda, while coming from Mile II, on their way to Bundung Court, the Prisons van door was not locked.  And that there was no paramilitary guards in the vehicle.

Testifying earlier Abdoulie Njie, a Police Corporal attached to the Police Headquarters told the court that he recognised the accused and that he took cautionary statement from him on 3rd October, 2007.

Ensa Keita, a  Police First Class, also testified that it was the accused Soriba Kondi who breaks the back door of the prison van, which facilitated the escape of the other convicted prisoners.

He denied allowing him to go scot-free. The presiding Magistrate then adjourned the case to the 11th October, 2007 for judgement.

Author: by Lamin Njie
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper
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