Re-PS Marong resigns

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I write to correct the information published in The Point newspaper on the 29th October 2007 under the above headline. 

For the information of The Point, your newspaper and the readership, I did not resign.  I retired honourably and voluntarily from the civil service and there is big a difference between voluntary retirement and what The Point is insinuating.

I left the service in a friendly and cordial atmosphere and in my letter of retirement, I had thanked the President and the Secretary General and Head of the Civil Service for the appointment and the recommendation respectively.  I also shared my commitment to the aspirations and ideals of the President and the government. 

The Point article should portray my departure in that manner, I will be most grateful and appreciative if you could set the record straight.

Finally, I wish to share that my retirement is as a result of my international appointment with the UNDP.  I am joining the UNDP South Sudan Operations as a Specialist and a manager of the Crises Prevention and Recovery Programme of UNDP in South Sudan.

Baba-Mustafa Marong