GPU Boss on Responsible Journalism

Friday, October 5, 2007

The President of the Gambia Press Union, Mr. Madi M.K. Ceesay, has said responsible journalism boils down to ethics and that if a journalist conforms to the ethics of journalism, then there is no way that one will be found wanting in the area of responsible journalism.

In his presentation at a two-day training workshop for journalists, GPU boss used the platform as an extremely vital gathering to draw the attention of participants to key ethical issues of concern to their trade.

The GPU Prexy told journalists that responsible journalism is the most fashionable and ideal one in that it gives the journalist that sense of satisfaction, professionalism and accountability to one’s audience. Journalists, he was quick to add, are sensitive to these facts and are quite alive to the overwhelming significance of self-respect.

For Mr. Ceesay, who doubles as the Director of Media Agenda, a strong will to be ethical is a prerequisite as a launch pad for a journalist if he/she aspires for an explosive improvement in the profession.

“However, the important common denominator in all ethical discussion is the attitude of the person thinking about ethics and, in this case, journalist. What this attitude includes, of course, is the desire to be responsible, a deep-seated consciousness and that doing the right or best thing is better than simply doing something,” he added.

Meanwhile, the training, organized by UNESCO, was funded by ISESCO.

Author: By Malamin Conteh
Source: The Point