UDP Candidate’s Trial Finally Proceeds

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Following Long Hiatus

The Brikama Magistrates’ Court in Western Region of The Gambia recently continued hearing testimonies in the trial of the embattled former UDP-sponsored candidate for Bakau constituency over allegations of being found in possession of falsified banknotes.

After a long hiatus, the trial of Nfamara Bojang resumed last week with the cross-examination of the latest prosecution witness by the defense council, Lawyer Ousainou Darboe.

Under cross-examination, the latest prosecution witness, who doubles as a senior registrar at the Brikama Magistrates’ Court, in response to Senior Counsel Darboe’s query, revealed that a total of 55 notes of D50 denomination were given to the prosecution by herself. She added that the alleged counterfeited banknotes were later taken by Inspector Saine as the prosecuting officer.

The case was at that juncture adjourned for continuation and Mr. Bojang’s bail conditions remain unaltered.

It would be recollected that Mr. Nfamara Bojang was arrested by the police in The Gambia in the build up to the legislative elections in which he was aspiring for a national assembly seat under the ticket of the main opposition United Democratic Party.

Author: By Abdoulie Nyockeh
Source: The Point