New Mauritanian Ambassador meets Speaker

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Honourable Fatoumatta Jahumpa-Ceesay, Speaker of the National Assembly yesterday received at her office, His Excellency Yahya  Ngam, the new Mauritainian ambassador to The Gambia yesterday.

The call was meant to cement the already existing relationship between Banjul and Nouakchott more especially to map out the way forward to establishing a stronger relationship between the National Assembly of the two sister states.
Receiving Ambassador Ngam, Speaker Jahumpa-Ceesay expressed delight at receiving the new Mauritainian diplomat adding that, the courtesy call is fitting as it will open another new page to further strengthen the already existing relations between the two nations. She noted that the special select committee on parliamentary friendship between The Gambia and Mauritainia was since establish and ever had a cordial relationship with former Mauritainian diplomat in The Gambia.

She acknowledged the long standing relations between the two sister nations saying “ Mauritainians in The Gambia are living peacefully. They are operating their business in the country in a peaceful manner and law abiding. The two Heads of State are also doing their level best to ensure that the cooperation between the two nations are strengthen. Therefore, it is very important to have parliamentary friendship between the two nations and we definitely cherish the relations we ever had” she said.
Speaker Jahumpa-Ceesay then highlighted the incredible stance of President Jammeh in ensuring peace in The Gambia, the sub-region and the world at large. She then assured the Mauritainian diplomat.

Fabakary Tombong Jatta, Majority leader and NAM for Serrekunda East also recognised the ever cordial relations between Banjul and Nouakchott. He welcomed the new Mauritanian diplomat to The Gambia and further expressed delight at the Mauritainian business community in The Gambia for their cooperation and contribution to the economic development of the country.
Hon. Jatta expressed hope for a fruitful relations between the two sister nations and further applauded the effective and brilliant manner of Speaker Jahumpa-Ceesay’s leadership in the National Assembly.

Hon. Momodou Sanneh, Minority leader and member for Kiang West described The Gambia-Mauritainia relation as inherited.He observed the contribution of the Mauritainian’s community in the business sector of the country. “ They are law abiding and I hope during your term of office, you will see the prove from the Mauritainian community” he said. He further acknowledge the efforts to bring the two parliament closer and further saluted Speaker Jahumpa-Ceesay for uplifting the standards of the National Assembly.

Hon. Borry Colley, NAM for Foni Jarrol on behalf of the 14 member parliamentary select committee said relations between nation should start from the National Assembly of any country. He expressed to have exchange programmes between the two countries. “Let us ensure that we integrate the movement of goods and services.

 We should think in a common way, unite in trade and cement other relations for the benefit of the two nations” he said.
For his part, HE Yahya Ngam, the new Mauritainian ambassador to The Gambia expressed appreciation to the office of the Speaker for the warm welcome accorded him. He described the National Assembly of The Gambia as one of the most institution in the country and expressed delight on the work of the parliamentary select committee. He acknowledge the female leadership of the National Assembly of The Gambia noting that even the mauritainian government are also empowering women alike.

The Mauritainian diplomat who spend almost 3 weeks in the country described the Gambia as a peaceful country saying “since I came, I feel that I am at home. I was also told of the peaceful living the Mauritainian community has in The Gambia which I definitely cherish,”.
On The Gambia and Mauritainia relations, the foreign diplomat said the relationship is long standing and cordial. “We are brothers and sisters and I want to further strengthen the relations during my tour of duty” he said.

He then assured that he will work closely and relentlessly with the National Assembly to further cement the already existing ties between Banjul and Nouakchott.
Hon. Tina Faal, Nominated member, Dawda Manneh, NAM for Nianija and Hon. Seedy Njie, nominated member and Doudou Kebbeh, Clerk of the National Assembly graced the occasion.

Author: by Alhagie Jobe
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