72 Teachers End Training on Record Keeping & Lesson Plans

Thursday, December 13, 2007

At least 72 teachers from 8 different schools in cluster 7 CRR North trained on record keeping, lesson notes and schemes of work plans over the weekend.

Addressing the gathering the Director of Region 5, Mr. Baboucarr Suwareh, spoke of the importance of record keeping and lesson note plans. He added that keeping proper records and lesson plans would help teachers because they are reference guides and lead to effective teaching. According to him this training will be an ongoing thing with teachers from different clusters undertaking the training every term. Each group will meet in their own clusters to undergo the continuous training schedule. This, he said, will promote quality education.

Mr. Suwareh commended the Secretary of State for Basic and Secondary Education for recommending that training of this kind should be held every term.

For his part, Mr. Ibrima M. Ceesay the cluster monitor for cluster 7, stated that in creating a conducive learning environment teachers must not limit themselves to the four corners of the classroom, but should extend into the community where students spend most of their time.

He called on all parents to redouble their efforts to strengthen teacher-community relations in the interests of better education.

Mr. Ceesay further spoke of the importance of the teacher-community relationship which he said will lead to quality education if all the interested parties work together.

He defined a conducive environment as one where learners can express themselves freely without any hindrance or fear. He said this could be attained through a clean school environment with trees, flowers, a tidy classroom and teaching aids.

Mrs. Fatoumata Ceesay (Veronica Carvell), VSO, dealt with handwriting and phonics, saying that children need to be taught the foundations of handwriting. She said this could be achieved through the demonstration of how to write alphabets.

Mrs. Fatou Saine Samura produced and presented an A-Z dictionary for grade-one children which is called “Show and Tell”. She said that this is all geared towards equipping children with knowledge and skills in early reading. The girl children also presented a drama show on sexual harassment.

Other contributors included Mr. Sait Faal, headmaster of Kayai LBS and Mr. Fally Fyana, the Headmaster of Banni LBS.

Author: By Abdou Rahman Sallah
Source: The Point