Well done

Monday, December 17, 2007
My fellow Gambians, here we are witnessing a historic moment in the history of The Gambia and as such it would be a great honour as well to considered it as the Picture of the Year.

We all witnesses to the image of His Excellence DR A.J.J Jammeh and Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara standing side by side to grace the judicial ceremony. That's a typical Gambia character, which our President is showing the whole nation.

We have always respected our Elders and they would always be in our hearts. His Excellency is not only a patriot but a Gambian who loves his country and remembers his culture. The pictures also illustrate the stability and togetherness in the country.

If we have patience, we could see results from our development efforts in just a few years. My thanks also go to NAMs for their decision in parliament concerning the development of the Westfield-Sukuta Road.

I thank all staff not forgetting your gatekeepers for the tremendous efforts for the nation, makeing it possible for us to feel at home even thousands of kilometers away from home through your website. Once more, I thank you all, wishing you all the best of 2008, a merry Xmas and Tobaski with good health. God bless us all, and I thank you very much for your efforts.

Author: M.sD.Touray