Mr. Pap Saine – Co-Publisher and Managing Director of The Point Newspaper

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I will like to appeal once more on behalf of the family, the management and staff of The Point for the authorities to revive the investigation, which led to Deyda’s killing.

This will no doubt help a great deal as it will clear any suspicion or doubt of the untimely assassination of Deyda Hydara and will enhance the image of the country. Deyda’s assassination is uncalled-for. We pray day and night that justice will be done so that the culprits will be arrested and brought to justice.

Immediately Hydara was killed, we suggested to the authorities to invite independent investigators as this, we believed and continue to believe, will clear any doubt or suspicion surrounding the circumstances of his murder.

Deyda was a great man, a journalist respected in the whole world. He represented the French news agency in The Gambia for 30 years, RSF for 10 years and The Gambia Press Union for about 10 years.

Deyda had contributed a lot in the media field. His death should not go in vain. But we believe one day, by the grace of Almighty Allah, the truth will prevail.

I therefore use the occasion of our 16th anniversary, which was celebrated yesterday, to say that we will continue the struggle to promote the legacy of Deyda Hydara, freedom of the press and give right to the voiceless people.

I thank our subscribers, advertisers and my dynamic staff for the hard work despite many constraints.


Source: The Point