Job ads on

Monday, December 24, 2007

I am a Gambian residing in England with a masters degree in development studies, and have lately been thinking of coming back home to work. However , I am finding it difficult to access job adverts in The Gambia, thus wondering if there is any chance of accessing such information through your reputable newspaper online.
Ms Ammie Sanneh

Editor’s Note:

Hello Amie, it is always good to hear of educated people wanting to come back home to work. Daily Observer has been thinking about making local job advertisements accessible to readers abroad, and we will see what we can do in the new year.

In the meantime, I suggest you start by sending your CV to the various institutions and employers in the country. I spoke to the UK High Commissioner here and he suggested that you could check to see if there are professional organisations in your field who may subsidise a returning African – I think one of them may be the International Organisation for Migration in London. I am not sure whether the British Government’s DFID may not have such an assistance programme, but check with them.  If they haven’t, they should! Good luck - a happy new year!

Author: Ms. Ammie Sanneh
Source: UK