
Thursday, March 22, 2007
How many people truly believe in fate and destiny? Well I feel I had a glimpse of it. Have you ever heard of serendipity? Well the word is a related word to fate/destiny and it means "a fortunate mistake".

Anyhow it all started with me being bored and chatting in a chat room. Now I don’t take those things seriously at all, but there was one time I did. I simply remember the night I wandered into a chat room that I rarely ever went to before, and there being all of three people in it. Well I was there to find a song. And this DJ offered to help me find it but not at that time, he needed my email address so he could put me on a buddy list, now I hardly ever give my email address out to anyone, but something told me to do this so I did and one thing lead to another and we became very good friends. Meanwhile at the time I was deep into a very long standing relationship that was starting to go nowhere.
The more I talked to my "DJ" the more I felt connected to him. As time went on I could feel myself pulling away from my present situation, simply because I wanted to be with "DJ" so bad. I can seriously say that I fell in love before I ever meant him. And I was hoping he felt the same way. So we decided to meet and he came to my hometown to see me. It wasn’t perfect and maybe I rushed it, but I had to meet him. I was not in very good frame of mind when he came here, but I did my best to keep it together. When he left to go back home I was so sad cuz I knew that he could see that I was in pain emotionally, so I had a feeling he was going to pull away from me. I did tell him not to doubt me, and that he and I could be together soon. He gave me no reason not to believe that that was what he wanted as well. As time went on he back away from me and doubted me. I just felt that I invested so much time and effort to be with this person, for nothing. I hurt someone that I care deeply about, partly because of the feelings I had for "DJ".

Advice to people is careful how you express your feelings to others. Don’t tell someone you love them and make them believe you when you really don’t mean it. Although in this situation I really believed that he loved me, but I guess he couldn’t handle my situation. I really don’t know and to this day he still remains a mystery to me. As time went on we rarely ever talked but I still thought about him constantly. I just couldn’t get him out of my mind then one night my phone rang with a # that I had not noticed. I picked it up and it was him. My heart fell to the ground. Still months after this person still made me feel like jello, lol. I hate and loved it at the same time. I asked him if I could see him, not expecting him to say yes, he did.

He also informed me that he had a new girlfriend and they were going to have a baby and he was going to get married. Oh boy, this just did not sit well with me. My heart was crushed and meanwhile I am still hurting from breaking up with my boyfriend of a decade. Go figure, I felt like the most alone person in the world. Well I went to NYC to see him and try to make the best of it. It was extremely hard for me to hold back from him, but I did, I had to respect his situation. This is where true fate and destiny comes into play. He and I both enjoy the movie "serendipity", right from the start we would always talk about the movie.
So I decided to take him to the restaurant as a surprise. Now as we are walking through the streets of NYC there were couple of signs that had the word "bello" in it, which was funny considering that, was my name for him, but that was nothing. When we got to the restaurant we were pretty much the first people there and there were tons of places to sit, the gentleman asks us if we minded where we sat, we said nope. so the waiter brings us up the stairs and seats us at this table near some statue, "DJ" was just amazed at the fact the place actually existed so we were talking and we asked the guy what kind of desert they had in the movie, he told us and before he walked away he says " by the way this is the exact place they sat in the movie”!!!!! We both just look at each other and we in aww. To this day it still gives me goose bumps to think about it. I was praying for a sign, and to anyone who truly believes in fate and destiny and clues and signs, that would have been it. The point of my story is that I do believe that you can find love online and although it may not work for everyone, it can be real. If fate and destiny want you to be together you will be. I wish in my case that was true, but I have to face reality and get over this dreamland I am in.

If it wasn’t for the chat rooms I would have never meant the one of the most wonderful people I know. He has no idea what I would have done for him. He holds a very special place in my heart, and yes he did hurt me, but he had to protect his heart. There is not one day that I don’t think to myself what went wrong? And is he still my destiny, my serendipity? I wish I had the answer. It’s just so hard to let him go. Because Bello I will always be thinking of you, and miss you with all my heart.
Author: by Bella