Rapist gets six-year jail term

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Abdoulie Badjie, a native of Kampasa in Foni Jarol District, was on Thursday convicted and sentenced to six years imprisonment by Magistrate EF Mbye of the Brikama Magistrates’ Court for rape and threatening, contravening the Criminal Laws of The Gambia.

The incident was reported to have occured on 10th October 2006, between Foni Sinteti and Kampasa.

In his plea of mitigation for the convict, Lawyer Mai Fatty begged the court to have mercy on him.

Handing down his judgement, Presiding Magistrate Mbye said the act was a crime against an innocent person (the complainant), who deserves the right to move freely without any fear or intimidation.
He then sentenced him for six years imprisonment with hard labour.


Author: Written by Amadou Jallow
Source: The Daily Observer