NYSS Members to Come Under One Roof

Friday, May 25, 2007

The National Youth Services Scheme (NYSS) is currently on the process of reuniting its former as well as present members under one roof. The umbrella body would be called NYSS Alumni Association.

Speaking in a press briefing at his office last Monday, the Public Relations Officer of NYSS, Mr. Marcel Mendy, said the association, first of its kind in the history of the youth service scheme, would bring together all those trained in various areas as well as those currently undergoing training.

According to Mendy, majority of the former students of NYSS are currently engaged in various professional jobs in the country. “We believe that if these skilled people are put together as different professional bodies, government and institutions can award them contracts before giving them to foreigners, ” he said.

He revealed that the alumni association is expected to hold its first congress on 2nd June 2007, during which executive members would be elected.

Mendy pointed out that the aims of the association, among others, are to maintain and promote the spirit of unity, culture of appreciation, attitudinal change as well as culture of caring and sharing among Gambian youths.

 “We also want to prove to the general public that NYSS ex-corps members are contributors to national development. We also want to encourage public and private sector partnership as well as to fight against social vices and to encourage others to join NYSS,” he added.

He, therefore, enjoined all former and current members of the scheme to join the association for what he called their own good.

Mr. Sulayman Manneh, Principal Coordinator, NYSS, recalled that since its inception in 1996, NYSS have trained over 1300 young people in 15 various fields, adding that the primary aim of the scheme is the attainment of Vision 2020. He disclosed that the new association would have their secretariat at the NYSS Headquarters in Bakau, expressing confidence in the ability of corps members both present and past.


Author: By: Nfamara Jawneh
Source: The Point