GFA embarks on major Canada campaign

Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Marketing Committee of the Gambia Football Association (GFA) yesterday embarked on a major sensitization campaign geared towards raising funds for the Canada 2007 World Youth Championship.

The day long program involving The Gambia National Scorpions Fans Club started from the Independence Stadium in the Kanifing Municipality down to the Greater Banjul and spread to the Western Region.

Speaking to Observer Sports during the day’s trip, Mr. Momodou Lamin Drammeh, the initiator of the event and a member of the GFA Marketing Committee said the campaign was meant to sensitise the general public on the need to contribute their quota towards the championship.

He said: “Since Monday will be the final draw of the road to Canada, we came up with this initiative for the general public to contribute at least D1.50 (one dalasi, fifty bututs) which if done is estimated to bring in an amount of D3.5 million”.

This he revealed would not only help to finance the team but would also help to transport fans. While commending sponsors for making the trip possible, Drammeh called on the general public to support the Operation Canada Campaign.

For his part, Alhagie ML Conteh, member of the Marketing Committee revealed that the campaign will not only aim at raising funds but to create awareness within the general populace of the need to contribute to national initiatives especially the development of Gambian football.


Author: Written by Hatab Fadera
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper