US $7.5 Million Westfield-Sukuta Road to Commence Soon

Thursday, May 31, 2007

The rehabilitation of the Westfield-Sukuta road will soon commence the subject of a revelation made by Mr. Ebrima Cham, Director-General of the Gambia Agency for the Management of Public Works (GAMWORKS). According to Mr. Cham, the rehabilitation is estimated to cost seven million US dollars (US $7 million).

Speaking at the third Annual General Meeting of GAMWORKS Agency on Tuesday, held at the Paradise Suite, Mr. Cham said that an amount of US$2.5 million in funding had already been secured from the World Bank/IsDB through the gateway project for the reconstruction of the Westfield-Sukuta road. “The Islamic Development Bank has agreed in principle to provide the remaining US$4.6 million to finance the reconstruction of the road,” he said, adding that an appraisal mission from the Islamic Development Bank is expected in The Gambia at end of second quarter of 2007, to enable the additional funds to be approved by the Islamic Development Bank.

“The current Delegation Management Contract (DMC) between GIPFZA and GAMWORKS only covers the design phase of Westfield to Sukuta road project,” he stated, noting that a new Delegation Management Contract covering the construction phase is expected to be signed before the works commence.

Mr. Cham therefore thanked the Gambia government and other major stakeholders for their cooperation, and urged them to continue their support to GAMWORKS. “GAMWORKS Agency is ready to work with anybody in order to bring rapid development to people of The Gambia,” assured.


Author: By Habibu Ceesay
Source: The Point