Halifa Agrees with Juwara on Opposition Failure But…

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Mr. Halifa Sallah, the NADD flag bearer in the last presidential elections and currently its spokesperson, has indicated his concurrence with Mr. Lamin Waa Juwara’s (the Executive Secretary of NDAM’s) assessment of the lot of the opposition in The Gambia, re-echoing that it has failed in its political aspirations and pursuit in establishing and entrenching a credible alliance to oust the ruling party.

He however hastened to add that “in The Gambia, to say that the opposition has failed to provide the necessary alternative is half truth. The whole truth is that the system itself has failed.”

Speaking at a press conference held recently, Mr. Sallah acknowledged that some people claim that the opposition has failed and should call it quits but asserted that in his own view, there are two types of failures in politics, namely system failure and personal failure.

“A leader who loses confidence of the people because of corruption and malpractice needs to resign. However, a leader who earns the confidence of the people because of his/her honesty and humility cannot be called a failure,” he said, adding that looking at the statistics of the last presidential elections, one would agree that the ruling party, the opposition and Gambian democracy have all failed.

According to Mr. Sallah, the important task now is for the people to be enlightened to take charge of their destiny with President Jammeh on one side, and the opposition given a new start.
“The opposition leaders may also facilitate change by eliminating the monarchical tradition of maintaining a presidential candidate in a post for eternity,” he said, adding that this would not encourage great leaders to emerge to victory.

He however assured people that he would never preside over a cabinet that will promote the servitude and poverty of the people. “I will never take part in any cabinet which will help bring into office any person who is ready to preside over the subjugation and impoverishment of the people.

However, Lamin Waa Juwara recently gave his opinion that the opposition in the country has failed and put forward that the entire opposition should forsake their positions and hand over to fresh persons.

Author: By Baboucarr Senghore
Source: The Point
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