Gambia to Host International Boxing Championship

Thursday, September 13, 2007

If every thing goes well, The Gambia would be hosting an International Professional Boxing championship in December this year.

That was revealed to Pointsport by Mr. Emmanuel Conteh, a member of the African Boxing Confederation currently on a visibility study in The Gambia.

Mr Conteh, a member of the Professional Boxing Commission in charge of Ranking for African Boxers, revealed that during his six-day visit in the country as guest of the Gambia Boxing Association (GBA), he will meet officials of the Department of State for Youths, Sports and Religious Affairs as well as the private sector.

“We would sell the idea of the event to companies and institutions for possible sponsorship,” he said.

Mr. Conte added that Boxers would attend the championship from Africa, Europe and America.

“With the championship coming to the Gambia, the country would benefit a lot from the hosting and am calling to all companies to support the initiative,” he concluded.

Author: By Pa Modou Faal
Source: The Point