Exercises for Neck and Shoulder Tension

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Suffering from neck and shoulder tension can be very painful and energy demanding. If you do suffer from tension in these areas, there's a good chance you're putting strain on another part of your body in order to get away from that pain, which means rectifying the problem can take a little longer. There are good and easy to do exercises for neck and shoulder tension and making rolling and stretching that area of your body part of your exercise program, can help to relieve and very often rid you of this painful condition.

As many people sit at their desk for long periods during the day, it's a good idea to take a 30 minute break every two or three hours, to exercise or walk for 20 minutes to get the circulation going, loosen up and get some fresh air.

Here is a method of loosening tension in the neck and shoulders, that's helped myself and many others a great deal. This exercise will help keep these areas supple and can also be helpful in avoiding headaches.

(a) Stretching the neck:
This exercise can be done sitting or standing - whichever suits you best. It will help loosen the muscles in the neck and shoulders. It stretches the spine, adding flexibility and suppleness to the joints and helping prevent tension in the neck and between the shoulder blades.


1. Sit with straight back on a chair or stand upright with your feet a little apart and knees a little bent. Relax your shoulders and arms.

2. Start by stretching your neck upward until you feel that you can't stretch any further. At the same time relax your face and particularly your jaw. Close your eyes and try to imagine that your shoulders are sinking into the ground and that there's an imaginary string attached to the ceiling that is pulling your head upward so that your neck is being stretched even more. Now try to put that image into practice - let your shoulders become heavy and sink, while your neck is stretching upward as much as you can.

3. Move your head carefully and slowly toward the right until you feel it stretch. Hold the position for a few seconds.

4. Move your head now back to centre and face forward, stretching upward. Hold this position for a few seconds.

5. Move your head carefully and slowly toward the left until you feel it stretch. Hold that position for a few seconds.

6. Move your head now carefully and slowly all the way over to the right in one movement - when your head is facing the right side - look over your right shoulder. (While doing this - make sure that your back is straight and shoulders are parallel with your feet).

7. Now move your head carefully and slowly all the way over to the right in one movement - when your head is facing the right side - look over your right shoulder.

1 through to 5 are the pre-exercise and warm up positions, while 6 and 7 are the movements of the exercise once the warm up has been done.

Remember not to lock your knees if you've chosen to stand for this exercise. Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed, with tummy in and back straight.

Day 1: 2 times - Day 2: 3 times - Day 4: 4 times - Day 5: 5 times and so on.

(b) Rolling the neck:
This exercise will loosen tension in the neck and shoulders as well as stretching the spine and adding flexibility and suppleness to the neck.

1. Sit with straight back on a chair or stand upright with your feet a little apart and knees a little bent. Relax your shoulders in a way that you feel they are sinking down into the ground. Relax your body, keeping tummy in and back straight.

2. Stretch your neck upward carefully and slowly while you sink your chin until it touches your chest - letting your jaw relax and hang loosely.

3. Relax your shoulders at the same time try to hold them a little backward.

4. Now move your head carefully and slowly toward the right, keeping your chin down - until your nose is parallel with the middle of your right shoulder.

5. While you hold this position - look over your shoulder as far as you can while you try to stretch your neck even more. Hold this position while you count to 5.

6. Keeping your neck stretched as much as possible - now move your chin back to the centre position.

7. Now move in the same way over to the left in a smooth, careful and slow movement - once your nose is parallel with the middle of your left shoulder, look over your shoulder as far as you can while you stretch your neck even more. Hold this position while you count to 5.

8. Keeping your neck stretched - move your chin back to the centre position.

Dag 1: 2 times - Dag 2: 3 times - Dag 3: 4 times - Dag 4: 5 times and so on

Remember not to make sudden, abrupt movements while doing this exercise as it can be damaging to your neck. Also its important that your shoulders and chin are relaxed. If you're standing for this exercise remember not to lock your knees, but do keep your tummy in and your back straight.

About the Author:
Lucy Jones - writes about tips for Exercises for Neck and Shoulder Tension as well as other fitness tips for people of all ages.

Author: by Lucy Jones
Source: goarticles.com