Max Jallow eyes PhD in Sports Management

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Momodu Max Jallow, Development Officer of the National Sports Council will leave Banjul on Friday, September 28 for United Kingdom, where he will pursue  Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Sports Management, at the Luton Computing Business College.

Jallow, a master’s holder in sports, leisure and business management, had his tuition fees paid by the Gambian leader, Dr Alhaji Yahya Jammeh.

“I am grateful to President Jammeh for his generous support towards my educational career. I will also thank the Coordinator of the Presidential Empowerment for Girls Education Project (PEGEP) for facilitating the payment of my tuition fees, as well as National Sports Council for their moral and financial support,” elated Jallow told Observer Sports yesterday.

Author: Written by Nanama Keita
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper