Waa Juwara Hits Back At Foroyaa

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Lamin Waa Juwara, the leader of NDAM, has reacted angrily to a front page story in the 3-4 September 2007 edition of the Foroyaa newspaper .

The story headlined “Gambians in the United States Dismiss Gibba’s Report as Erroneous Misrepresentation of Facts”, was a reaction to a story The Point had carried on 29 August 2007 headlined “Gambians in United States to Reunite NADD.”

The Point story had been based on an exclusive interview our reporter Abba Gibba had had with Waa Juwara. According to Juwara, who called this paper early yesterday morning, his sources are credible. And so The Point story is not an erroneous misrepresentation of facts, as the Foroyaa newspaper made it out to be.

He added that any Gambian in the Diaspora who wanted to disown his assertion was simply trading in lies. He then wondered why the Foroyaa reporter did not contact him to give balance and accuracy to his report.

Juwara pointed out that the Foroyaa reporter contacted Abba Gibba and got a statement from some people in America, yet he did not contact him for comments.

He said, “You cannot get Halifa Sallah, Sedia Jatta and Sam Sarr as editors of a newspaper and at the same time double themselves as leaders of a political party and think they can be objective. Their independence is compromised and they have been misinforming the Gambian people and if I read their focus on politics, it is all rubbish.”

Source: The Point