President Man of THE Year 2007-Gambia News and Report Magazine

Thursday, January 3, 2008
President Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh has been named The Gambia News and Report’s Man of the Year, 2007.

According to the weekly magazine’s editor and publisher, Swaebou Conateh, who is also the managing director of the publishing company, The Gambia Communication Agency and Baroueli Enterprises, the magazine’s criteria for selecting the Man of the Year are based on the following considerations:

The person selected must be someone who, through his/her work, profession or personal endeavour, is judged to have contributed the most to the public welfare and to advancing the country’s development in the interest of all Gambians.

He or she must have contributed significantly in enhancing in a direct and tangible form, the social and economic status of Gambians as a whole.

He or she should have put in place for posterity, facilities and/or infrastructure and other achievements that can serve as a lasting memorial of his/her contributions to national development.

Previous awardees were Amadu Samba, Pa Sallah Jagne, Dr Ebrima Samba, Dr Lenrie Peters, Lamin Waa Juwara, Isatou Njie-Saidy, Bye Lamin Jobe, Mrs Harriet Ndow, Imam Karamo Touray, Hassan Jallow, Ousman B. Conateh (Fisco), Muhammed Jah, Deyda Hydara, Pa Sallah Jeng, and Bolong Sonko and Mustapha Njie (joint awardees).

In the letter conveying the news of the award to the Gambian leader, Mr Swaebou Conateh of the Dippakunda based Gambia Communication Agency and Baroueli Enterprises, stated that as a result of President Jammeh’s remarkable success in bringing about unprecented innovations in the application of herbal medicine as a treatment - with proven overseas laboratory tests and the personal testimonies of the individuals concerned - of HIV/AIDS, a disease for which a cure has eluded the world scientific community for the past 20 years or so:

“Your success at helping to bring an end to the stigma attached to the disease HIV/AIDS in Gambian society, the use of herbal medicine to treat such other incurable illnesses as asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure, in addition to which is also the latest developments you registered in the area of treatment for female infertility.

The courageous and exemplary stand you have taken to both provide your services free of charge, and to protect your singular method of treating these diseases with the aid of the Muslim Holy Book of the Qu’aran despite the doubts and criticisms of some powerful media groups and interested parties in the medical and pharmaceutical fields.

In addition, we acknowledge your management of the country’s affairs since 1994 during which time you, among other things,

- were elected to office of President three times,

- brought about rapid developments and improvements in education, health agriculture, sports, culture, information/communication and infrastructure,

- husbanded and safeguarded the country’s finances, thereby bringing inflation and currency depreciation under control and, in the 2008 national budget, turning to a surplus the deficit that had existed previously,

- successfully undertook reforms in the fiscal, financial and economic areas and consequently, restoring micro-economic stability for investment opportunities (e.g. in banking and tourism), for economic growth,

- successfully providing for and hosting the 7th AU Summit in Banjul in June, 2006.

In view of the fact that:

1. Your case also illustrates possibilities for individual Africans who care about their country’s standing in today’s world and points to the importance of individual strength of character and high principles.

2. You have shown, by your conduct and example, a high level of personal sacrifice, discipline, administrative, management and technical skills.

3.    By so doing, you have reserved to yourself the high regard and admiration which has won to your side the applause of many Gambians.

And since we believe that, like some other prominent leaders of the past, your story will remain for all Gambians an important example of leadership, to serve as a point of reference in terms of service to the nation and to humanity at large, we take this opportunity to salute you for what you have been able to achieve in the annals of our country’s history.  We know your skills, courage, sacrifice, steadfastness and highly commendable contributions are bound to remain a source of inspiration and exemplary conduct to our citizens now and generations unborn.

The management of “The Gambia News and Report” weekly magazine being thus satisfied that you have met the requirements to be designated the magazine’s “Man of the Year 2007,” now congratulate you most heartily on your selection and designation.

Congratulations on your well merited recognition.

While wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous new year, allow us, Mr President to also congratulate you and Her Excellency, Madam Zeinab Jammeh, on the birth of your son, Muhammed Yahya Jammeh, and to wish him long life, good health and prosperity.”

“The Gambia News and Report” magazine, which started publication as a monthly in February, 1992, has since June 1996 been published weekly.

Author: by Ebrima Jaw Manneh