WOMEN'S WEEKLY-Women, what do you need for your 2008?

Friday, January 4, 2008
2008 greetings to all our women readers (and to the brothers who are interested readers of Women’s Weekly) New year blessings to you all.

Well what are your hopes, wishes, resolutions for 2008, have you thought about them, do you have any and if so how are you going to make them happen? Whether you want to win the Africell dream house, meet the man of your hopes with all the money to follow, manage a thriving business, what are you doing to make it happen?

Often, we, women just let life drop on us as we feel that all will be lost if we don’t do the countless things we do, especially for everyone else! We want to be seen as good, God fearing and let no one see that we are overly interested in our own needs. But have you ever thought that in making your hopes real and improving yourself, you will in fact be passing that spirit on to those around you? Oprah Winfrey once used a phrase; in place of the word ‘selfish’ when applied with the correct energy and thought, replace with ‘self-full’.

Dreaming, wishing, hoping, praying without action and gradual steps will only make you feel that you can never reach your destination and leave you stuck.

Empress Sisters went out and about on the streets of Gambia asking women: ‘If there were 3 things or anything you could do to improve your 2008, what would they be?’ They said:

“Find a good husband with money and have children”

Fatou, 22
“I wish for peace, for people not to suffer, plenty of money and good health”

Therese, 40+
“I have been married for 2 years and live with my dad so I wish to be in my own home with my husband. I want to go back to school and open my own business selling women’s fashion”

Mrs A, 22 years
“I want to develop my business more and become a manager, I want the country to keep developing. My husband has worked outside The Gambia for a long time now and I wish for us to be together and have children”

Mrs A, late 20’s
“A better life than last year for my kids and myself, look for a better job and help my children get good, quality education”

Mrs M, aged 46
“Complete my education and I want to be a business woman. Marry a rich guy....or someone with ambition, aim and enough money”

Amylicious, 17 years
“Improve my education, change my profession to something other than nursing. Marriage, well I would rather not be in one and would be happy to be with myself”

Mrs N, 50+
“Open a business for myself because now I work for someone,  plan a good future for my son and be able to take care of my family”

Mrs N, 25 years
“Write an accessible account of my experiences in The Gambia, maybe creative writing. Do some fundraising and develop some ideas I have around that. I want to remain healthy”

C, in her 40’s, visiting the Gambia
“I want to get married to a very responsible, caring and understanding man and I want to start my own business”

Miss A, 22 years
So you see 10 voices expressing what they want for themselves for the new year. Thanks to you all for sharing a piece of your lives with Women’s Weekly and may you goals become what they need to be.

And to the young women and grown women, stop dreaming, hoping and wishing your life away. If it isn’t happening, whatever ‘it’ may be, its not meant to! Re-focus and the right door for you will open.

Author: by Empress Sisters