Will Biko, Sea View relegate?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
As the 2008 First Division League season draws nearer, the common question that fans of both Steve Biko and Sea View ask is whether their clubs will be relegated or remain in the top flight.

The two sides were confirmed for relegation, last season, after completing the season at the bottom of the 10-team league table. However, with the proposal for the increment of the divisional teams to twelve still hanging, the Bakau duo are fighting toe-to-toe to maintain their position in the First Division League.

The proposal for the increment of divisional teams to twelve at last season’s pre-season meeting hit the rocks due to time constraints, and the sympathisers of the would-be relegated sides want it (the proposal) to bear fruit come this season.

“The increment of the divisional teams will only favour certain teams and it won’t be fair that way,” a fan who preferred anonymity told Observer Sports .

“Steve Biko and Sea View should go to the second division and fight for promotion just like other relegated teams did in the past,” he added.

Lamin Camara, a Steve Biko fan has a different view. According to Camara, the increment is overdue, noting that it will make no difference if it is effected this season.

However, whether Steve Biko and Sea View will be relegated or not, it is the national football governing body that has the final say.

Author: by Nanama Keita