Taiwan unveils another scholarship

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Ministry of Education of Taiwan has unveiled a linguistic scholarship to encourage international students and individuals to undertake Mandarin (Chinese language) study in the Asian-Pacific island state, according to reports from Taiwanese Embassy in Banjul.

Huayu Enrichment Scholarship provides study opportunities for Mandarin language and Taiwan’s culture at university or college-affiliated training centres.

“The programme aims to contribute to a better command of the Mandarin language, and hence a greater understanding and appreciation of Taiwan’s culture; promote friendship between Taiwan and countries around the world; and explore opportunities to increase exchange with international education institutions.”

The scholarship provides varies from three months to one year and comes along with a stipend of NT$25,000 (approximately US$790) to a recipient by month.

“Annual award periods are from September 1st through August 31st. If recipients fail to arrive in Taiwan to study during this period, their award status will be cancelled and cannot be extended for another year.

If recipients begin their studies after the study term/ quarter starts, their award period will become effective from the month they arrive in Taiwan to matriculate at their individual Mandarin training centres.  Whether beginning in September or later, the award period ends in August,” a dispatch from Taiwanese Embassy revealed.

For eligibility, an applicant must possess an excellent academic performance and be of good moral character; does not hold Taiwanese nationality; does not have the status of an overseas Chinese student; has not previously received an award either under this scholarship programme or the scholarship programme of Taiwan; amongst others.

The embassy confirmed that application forms - being prepared for potential applicants - can be picked up at the its offices in Kanifing.

Author: by Ebrima Jaw Manneh