Ahead of GPU 2008 congress Journalists urged to take ownership

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
As the congress for the Gambia Press Union is due on 22nd March this year, Madi Ceesay the president Gambia Press Union GPU has called on Gambian journalists to take ownership of the union for the development of the skills of young Gambian journalists.

Mr Ceesay made this remark during a courtesy call on the Daily Observer as part of the union’s sensitisation on the importance of the forth coming congress.

Speaking at a meeting held with reporters Mr Ceesay emphasised the need for journalists register with the union and pay their dues on time.

Ndaye Tapha Soseh, Secretary of the Union waxes on the importance for journalists to register with the GPU. She said registration forms are available at the GPU offices at twenty- five dalasis.

Author: by Amadou Jallow