He Who Lives With the West

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Contemporary history has led us to believe that political leaders and states should remain convinced and act independently devoid of outside influence for the common good of mankind.

The notion of the state being a dominant factor in international relations can only be actualized when state governments can stand up and make decisions based on their national interests without yielding to pressure from the international community.

Time and again, recent dealings with the West and the International community is of the purpose of using individuals as compradors and agents of neo-colonialism for the furtherance of their objectives such as the creation of international division of labor, unfair trade, widening the gap between the poor and rich for the promotion of capitalism.

We continue to hear, see and read about people like Saddam of Iraq, one time friend of the West, chased out of power and hung; Bin Laden, used by America to fight against the former USSR and then become ‘bone in their throat’, Charles Taylor of Liberia being tried in the Hague for war crimes was allegedly sponsored by the West to remove the late Samuel K Doe government in Liberia.

The consequences of such David and Goliath relationship has led to untold suffering of innocent people. During the 1789 Napoleon wars, David Thompson described the scene then, as thus: "when France sneezes the rest of Europe catches cold’’. The continuing terror activities of Bin Laden are because of the broken marriage he suffered with America and the West. Currently, he is being pursued endlessly as they no longer see eye to eye.

There are lots of diplomatic and bureaucratic hypocrisies in international politics and one’s survival depends on the manner and approach that are adopted. Whatever, one may say about President Jammeh he knows how to play the game with them. It is this knowledge and skills his successor should be ready and prepared to tap from so that they can be in their good books and not end up like the Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden and others.

President Jammeh throughout his tenure as President and leader of his country has effectively refused to dance to anyone’s tune. The President remains an independent and development orientated leader who inspires people across Africa.

Author: DO