Taiwan invites young inventors

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Taiwan has extended invitation to Gambian young inventors to participate in the International Exhibition for Young Inventors (IEYI), an annual exhibition aiming at developing youngsters’  creativity and skills, scheduled for September 25 to 30 in Taiwan.

“With this privilege, we are pleased to write this letter to invite the youths from your country to attend this event. We strongly encourage you to join as well as promote this event within your respective country,” said Jon-Chao Hong, programme chair of IEYI.

The National Taiwan Normal University is he conveyer for the year’s edition.

According to a dispatch from the Taiwanese Embassy in Banjul, the objective of the event is to foster innovative thinkers worldwide. The dispatch revealed that the International Forum of Invention Promotion (IFIP) founded in Japan in 2004.

“In addition to the invention exhibition, some cultural activities will be held to promote cultural awareness for the youths of each year. For instance, the decorations on the booths will show the distinctive features of different country cultures, and the participants are welcomed to wear national costumes and prepare performances to share their own cultures. Therefore, we believe the IEYI 2008 in Taiwan will be more active, multicultural, and significant,” Mr Hong added.

“Regarding the registration method, prior enrollment and formal application are need. The way to apply for IEYI2008 is by the Internet. Both application packages can e accessed online through http://www.ieyi2008.org/index3.html. If you have any question, please inform us by this email:hong.jc@msa.hinet.net.”

The reports indicated that the deadline for prior enrollment is on April 1, and formal application is on June 30.

Author: by Ebrima Jaw Manneh