Wahtani Ajuma

Friday, February 29, 2008
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Mawlidi Nabi

Mawlidi Nabi means birth of the Prophet Mouhammed (SAWS). The scholars who discussed about the life of Prophet Mouhammed said that he was born on the 12th day of the month of Rai Al Awal on a Monday. Mahmud Basha, an astronaut, said that the Prophet’s birthday corresponds to 20 April 571 AD.

It was during the time that the elephants entered the Kaaba to destroy it with Abraha as explained in Sura AL Fil.

Our topic is the celebration of the birth of Prophet Mouhammed (SAWS). When the Prophet celebrated his birthday, he used to fast on Mondays. When asked why, he used to fast on Monday’s.

When asked why, he said it was the day he was born and the Holy Quran was given to him. He used to fast to thank Allah, for what He did for him. A learned scholar called Al-haafisu Abul Hayki Asahawee said the celebration of Mawlidi Nabi was not taken from the sahabas about three centuries. It was not celebrated as we used to do now. After that then the celebration started. All the Islamic communities throughout the world celebrates the birth of the Prophet Mouhammed (SAWS).

The prepared lots of food, gave out charity to the poor and needy and made them happy.

Muslims also narrated the life history of Prophet Mouhammed (SAWS).

First Royal celebration

The first king to celebrate the birth of the Prophet Mouhammed was called Abu said in the city of Irbil in Irak. He used to make it a big ceremony. The King used to kill thousands of cows, sheep, goats, hens and every animal that is eaten by Muslims.

He used to make the poor very happy.

He used to give out clothes of different kinds. He was a brave king and humble.  King Abu said used to give out a lot of money to the invited scholars who used to narrate to the people about the history of Prophet Mouhamed.

This King also built a big compound for the guests to come to his occasion. The amount that he used to give out wa not limited which was different from the amount he gave out secretly.

One day King Abu Salid was wearing clothes which were very ordinary.

Then his wife told him that the clothes he wore were not of his class.  Then the King replied”. It is better for me to feed the people than to wear expensive clothes and leave the poor to die of hunger”.

The Idel Approach

Al-Imam Naseeru Deen Al Mubarak said that during the celebration of the Mawlud Nabi after feeding the people, giving them clothes and money after narrating the history of Prophet Mouhammed (SAWS), the Prophet will be very happy about it and Allah will reward you for that.

All this is good. What is forbidden is gathering people, asking them for money or after cooking a lot of food, you call rich people and leave out the poor.

Once Imam Sahaafiu said that there are two types of innovations. The one that is invented and is not taken neither from the Quran or hadith. It can carry you astray; the other innovation is invented for a good thing.

Everyone agreed that it is good, Allah will reward you for that.

Omar Ibnu Hatab said “Nafila during Ramadan is an innovation, but a good one. It is an innovation because the Prophet Mouhammed (SAWS) used to do it, but stopped it afterwards.  

Then the Sahaba started doing it after some time. Al-Imam saadu Deen; Mawhobb said the “Mawlud Nabi “is a good innovation, if it is not joined with something that is not allowed in it. If so then we should leave it. A man called Imam Taajudeen Fakhaani Al Maaliki wrote and said that he did not support Mawlud Nabi because it is an innovation and the things involved that is not part of it. If so then we should leave the celebration.

Imam Taajudeen also said that those celebrating this way are lazy people who want to meet one another, eat and drink and enjoy themselves. It is forbidden to do what is against Allah’s rules, especially when done in a place where the birthday of the Prophet Mouhammed is celebrated. Instead of gaining something from the place, you will end up with nothing because where men and women are mixed together enjoying themselves, they will not think of Allah. That is why he condemns it.

This particular scholar does not condemn the celebration of the Prophet Mouhammed’s (SAWS) birthday but the way it is done.

Honoring the Day

We are reminding Muslims who celebrate this big day to honour the day because of Prophet Mouhammed (SAWS).

The day should not be considered as doing business with others, because nowadays it is celebrated by sending invitations to Muslims and expecting them to bring donations of money. Although the Mawlud does not ask them for money, one can bring money of his own free will. This asking for donation during Mawlud prevents people from attending these celebrations.

So we should try our best to honour the Prophet Mouhammed as Allah honoured him. The place where the Mawlud is celebrated should also be respected. Allah honoured the Prophet Mouhammed (SAWS) so much that he named him after the 47th Sura of the Holy Quran called Sura Mouhammed.

Allah is always there to forgive us our sins as stated in Sura Anfal V.32:

“But Allah was not going to send them a chastisement whilst thou was among them; nor was he going to send it whilst they could ask for pardon”.

We are wishing every Muslim a peaceful celebration of the birth of the prophet.

Author: DO