RE: Ken Jammeh faces indefinite suspension for slapping a referee

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Please allow me a space in your widely read newspaper to express my dismay and shock at Hawks Ken Malamin Jammeh, for slapping a referee in a recent GFA league match.

When I first learnt that the player was handed an indefinite suspension by the Disciplinary Committee of The Gambia Football Association, I thought it was too much a harsh decision. However, after a thorough look into the whole scenario, I was very much convinced that the player overreacted, hence any disciplinary measures against him will be fitting enough to serve a tangible example for others.

I am not a professional football, nor referee, but with my little knowledge in the World’s popular sports -football - I believe the centre referee is always the master of the pitch and therefore his decisions whether right or wrong are always final. However, players or clubs can still appeal against referee’s decisions when they feel that they’re been punished for no just cause.

For a player of Ken Malamin Jammeh’s calibre (Gambia’s World Cup team captain) to a harass a referee up to an extend of slapping him is indeed unacceptable.

I thought the player should have not lost his temper in a match no matter the pressure to manifest his maturity and experience to the young ones.

However, since the damage has been done and the player paying for the damage in an indefinite suspension, one can only talk on how the matter can be resolved in the best interest of the player.

I believe Ken Jammeh can quickly restore public confidence and trust if he acts fast and in the right way. If I were in his shoes, I will swallow the humble pie and formally apologise to the referee concerned, The Gambia Football Association,and the entire Gambian sports fraternity for my unsportsman action, that must have come out anger.

For every problem, there’s a solution, and lodging a formal apology to the authorities concerned will surely prove that the Ken Malamin Jammeh is a clean player and not otherwise.

Lamin Jammeh

Kanifing Layout

Editors note:

Lamin, you know I have always been surprised at the lack of discipline. Why do grown men stop in the middle of a match and shout at each other like market women because they are not happy with a tackle? These kinds of behaviour makes even good players mediocre. Players should totally control their temper and concentrate on the game, or face expulsion from the game.

Author: DO