Let’s us be aware of 419 Bandits Game

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Can you allow me space in your widely read newspaper to voice my concerns over the recent increase of the nasty game, known to many as 419, carried out by some ungodly individuals. This dubious game is now increasing at an alarming rate.

Nowadays, the magistrates’ courts are full with such cases. Like the other day, when I visited the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court, I heard of a case involving a Nigerian national who was said to have been calling people and telling them that he wanted to do business with them, with the ultimate intention of defrauding and robbing them off their materials. As we now live in a world where technology is most advanced, there is the need for people to be aware of such games. The Gambia is known as a heaven of peace.

Therefore, there is need for people to unite together and fight against this menace.

However, it must also be mentioned that even though these offences are mostly committed by foreigners, they often have Gambians that cover them up for their criminal acts.

Another thing is that community policing should be encouraged to put an end to some of these acts. Magistrate Mosses Richards used to remand such individuals even if they were respected people in society or not.

Now what can we do to combat these ungodly act? Lets us join hands and fight these acts out of The Gambia. Together we can put and end to it.

Lamin Camara


Author: DO