Julakay Appreciative of W/Region Electorate

Friday, March 14, 2008

The APRC Campaign Manager for Western Region, Mr. Ansumana Marenah, is apparently appreciative of voters in his region for showing unalloyed support to the APRC party by voting en mass for its sponsored candidates in the January local government elections.

For Mr. Marenah alias Julakay, the fact that APRC had managed to capture 23 wards out 25 was a clear manifestation of the electorate’s confidence in the present dispensation. The resounding victory for the ruling party, asserted Mr Marenah, was not a surprise as the party had already laid down the foundation to convince people that it’s the only entity that can bring positive and meaningful changes to their lives.

“The APRC government has proved to be the government of and for the people. The birth of APRC has heralded an era of development and limitless hope for everyone. The accomplishments are many and numerous, hence people’s resolve to rally behind the party to help move the country to another level,” he added.

He thanked the President of the Republic for creating a veritable Garden of Eden for development, before proceeding to thank voters in Western Region for the massive show of support to APRC. He also thanked the President for endorsing his appointment as the campaign manager for APRC in Western Region, adding that the appointment is both a joy and challenge and promised to live up to expectations.

Mr. Marenah also expressed appreciation to secretaries of state Ousman Sonko, Abdou Colley, Lamin Bojang as well as the governor of Western Region, Chiefs, Alkalolu, Yai Compins village elders and various ward chairpersons for making it happen.

He finally told The Point that plans are underway to expand the activities of Western Region political committee from political activities to other development-related activities.  

Source: The Point