Shame on you!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It would be pathetic if it were not so serious for this peaceful country. A tragedy has occurred on the shores of this peaceful nation. No one denies that. The government of the Gambia says 8 bodies were found. Investigations are on-going. Yet what do Gambians, yes Gambians, do? They rush to their keyboards and their newspapers to talk of “killings”, “murder” of “48”, “50” “Ghanians”!

They rush to the internet to call for conflict between The Gambia and Ghana, just as they rushed to the internet to call for a conflict between The Gambia and Senegal during the border closure.

Don’t deny it, we have the internet postings of two whole years. Do you recall when some Gambians wrote a dubious “Open Letter” to President Wade of Senegal during the tense negotiation betwenn the two governments over the border issue? Now they jump on the “Ghanaian killings” anti-government bandwagon talking of “murders.”

It is ridiculous, it is silly and it is irresponsible. Even non-citizen residents of this peaceful country would be ashamed of tarnishing the good name of this country in that manner, let alone citizens. But then again the thirst for political power corrupts us all.

In 1996 Yahya Jammeh went to the electorate and won, won because the electorate did not want the same corrupt lot back in power. In 2001 Yahya Jammeh went to the electorate again and won, because his governments stupendous development effort was there for all to see. In 2006 Jammeh won again, because of his governments efforts and because the opposition bickering over a three-letter word had shown the whole country how childish they are.

Like it or not, Yahya Jammeh is the elected President of this country. If you cannot dislodge him through democratic elections, you are not going to dislodge him through mud-slinging against the whole country. We know the dispecable agenda.

We see it being displayed in all its ugliness by opposition elements on the internet, by so-called asylum seekers. It is quite funny you know - when Mugabe denounced homosexuality, the bulk of asylum seekers in the UK claimed to be homosexual, as Iranian asylum seekers in UK are also claiming  today (there is to be a Parliamentary Motion in UK soon against Iranian attitudes to homosexuality!).

Shameless people are using the memory of dead Ghanians to score political points across West Africa, and abroad with their NGO-funders. It is sheer political and financial opportunism. They should be ashamed of themselves. The fact, as the SoS states on page one, is this:

“The Gambia is known for its peace and stablity ...foreigners have always enjoyed freedom and peace in this country ... Ghanians have been residing in The Gambia for the past 50 years”. And we may add that they have contributed their quota to the development of this country as honest and very industrious members of the community. May God Bless them, and the country they call home.

Author: DO