LOVE LINES - My teacher flirts after me

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I am in a serious situation which is a big problem to me. One of my teachers at school wanted to be in love with me. He chases me everywhere. I don’t know what to do and this is affecting my performance in class. I am afraid of him and I don’t feel comfortable in class anymore please help me.  

(Name withheld)

A teachers and students affair in schools is becoming a thing of interest that Ministry of Education should look into. Because it is affecting most of the girls involve negatively. If a teacher is interested in any of his female students what is necessary to be done is for such teacher to wait until that student finish from that school. Better still let the teacher resign his appointment because of the girl.

The reason behind this are many in which I will not dealt but reserve for the appropriate time. In brief, I will advice you since you are not interested in dating this teacher to tell him that your book is your priority. If he continues to torment you with sexual advancement or flirt after you, do not hesitate to explain your ordeal in his hands to your parents in order to report the matter to your school principal for appropriate action. Good luck!

I don’t have feeling for her anymore


I dated a lady for one and half year. I love her with my heart but one day she sent me a sad SMS text. She said we can’t go on anymore because his uncle calls her different sorts of name because of his relationship with me.

Few days later she calls me to say that she can’t stop loving me I accepted her back. But I don’t have any feeling for her any more because it is the second time she will behave this way. I don’t know what to do to her.


I will like you to follow your heart and take a decision. Probably, she may be testing your love for her and at the same time she might be playing a hidden game that you have never discovered the type.  Notwithstanding, so far you have no more feeling for her again tell her the truth than accepting her with unhappy mind. Good luck!

She fools me always


I am 18 in love with a girl of 17. It is almost two years that we have been dating. Recently she fell in love with another man since then she has been fooling me while I am wasting my time, energy and my money on her. Still she keep pretends that she love me. What can I do to stop her relationship with the other boy and possess her?


Do not sound selfish. Try as much as possible to leave the girl alone so far she found another person. Stop giving her your money and make the best use of your time whatever may be your profession.

Look for someone that will love you not the person that will not have respect and love for you. Finally both of you should think and look up to the future. You might be 18 but still young. Therefore, make your career your love. Good luck!

I want to be single… but I am going gaga for him


I truly love my ex that I can not stop thinking of him for one second. We broke up about a year ago but he is very far away now. I am not sure if he still has feeling for me hence I really need him to come back to my life. I was not cheating on him but I told him that I wanted to be single and he was very mad to hear this. Shortly after that I started dating another guy. Lovelines, please I need him back because I have stopped going out with the other guy since I realized my mistake. Kindly help and tell him that I still love him.

Ya Faye

One is bound to make at least a mistake in any dating no matter how perfect you are with your partner, but whatever decision make, it is always good that it goes with a reasonable reason and deep thought. In your case let bygone be bygone hence the guy is far away from you since it is over a year that you broke up. Though you might still tried if you know how to cover the distant between two of you and how often you can see him. At the same time if you have access to communicate with him.

Then start it today, how? Apologize to him and let him know that you have realized your mistake. Do not be too pushy on this because it is a long time break, you might be lucky if he never found someone that he love or love him. But if he doesn’t consider you, well life goes on put the past behind you stop crazy about him and move on. Good luck!

He is still in my heart


In spite of the deep love we have for ourselves, my guy still has another girlfriend and finally betrays my love for the girl. Prior his neglecting me, anytime I talk about the girl he always denies having affairs with her. One day I went to his house and met the girl. She showered insults on me but I do not respond for the sake of my love for the man. I kept the incident away from his knowledge hence he do not want to hear anything about the girl from me.  It was barely a week he broke up with me. Since five months ago that we parted way he is still in my heart. I love him and cannot forget him. I have called text and visited him several times but nothing positive out of this. I still love him what can I do?


If you have dignity and want to be known as a discipline lady forget about this man for good. Do not use a gallon of words to express a spoonful of thoughts. If a vehicle refuse to go to Banjul remember that hundreds if not thousands of it will go in a day.

This man has no more feeling for you. Can’t you understand that he is telling you that it is over between you and him? Anyway I do not know your age but it is better you look for what is lost than what is not lost. Good luck!

I am afraid to express myself


My problem is that any time I see a lady that I love I always feel fear to approach or talk to such lady. I don’t know why this often happen. Kindly help me out.


The only answer to your problem is that you lack confidence. Confidence is like courage. Without it you will always afraid or fear to talk to any woman that you come across. Try as much as possible to be sure of yourself summon courage to talk to any lady you admire freely without fear. Do not think only about the negative result until you yawn out what is in your mind to the lady you are attracted to.

Answer from any approach is always in two ways that’s ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ By the time you try two or three ladies you will see that you will be increased in your difference approach and develop more confidence before you know it a ‘yes’ card will fall on your side. Put away shame and encourage confidence. Good luck!

Her Job is my obstacle


I saw a girl that I love very much but am scared to tell her because of the difference i.e. work standard. She is a banker and I am a company account clerk. I feel she is above me in job categories.


Do not judge either yourself or her until you voice out your mind. There is no special way than to approach her in a decent way mostly if she is so familiar with you. Status doesn’t matter when it comes to love. According to the two Holy Books, ‘there is no fear in love; but perfect love cast out fear.’ Tell her how truly you love her. Most of the big ladies you see outside admire men but because of the society we are it is difficult to express their minds to men. So read one of the Lovelines past edition on “why women bluff men.” Feel free and if she says no, nothing spoils, continue your friendship. Every woman or man is approachable. Good luck!

My past love experience


How can I be free from my past love experience? I was once engaged with a man who got married to another woman without prior information or break up with me. Since then I found it difficult to meet a right man until recent. Now that I found one, I always think about my ex whenever I am together with him (my new guy) even crying. Therefore he found this irritating and suspects that I do not trust him. However, I can not trust a man since my first experience.


If you want to have a good love life, you have to put your past behind you to enable you forge ahead. In the carriage of the past you can’t go anywhere. You have to know that the past lies like a nightmare upon the present; the past is the present, isn’t it? It is the future too. Your past experience is only there to safe guide you against future predicament if you can reason carefully.

So try as much as possible and change the negative mind of yours that you can not trust any man again, so a man will say I can’t trust any woman again. It is a lie. All matter most is to find our made in heaven lovers. Everyone should think of this. Good luck!

I love him with my heart


There is a guy I love with all my heart but he is angry with me because I went to his house with another mobile phone. He thinks that I collected it from another guy. Help me so that he can believe me because I really love him with all my heart.


Are you Baby-Girl’s lover boy? All I want you to know is that she love you so much, that she came to you with another handset does not mean she got it from another guy or cheat on you. Remember it is progress we pray for and if she is able to obtain new set, it means she is reducing the burden on you.

To you Baby-Girl try to explain to him how you got it since you surely loves him he will understand you but if does not tell him to get you another one and you will do away with that one he thought you got from someone else. Remember love doesn’t hate, fight, and quarrel without consideration. So understanding matter most in any affair. Good luck!

He has gone back


Oh, I love my boyfriend so much and he loves me also but he has gone back to one of the neighboring country. What can I do so that he will not forget me?


Before his departure to his country it was then you should have reach an agreement with him. I mean if the love you both have for each other does not limited to dating but marriage.

Since you know his phone and contact address you should always be in touch with each other and if possible pay him visit when there is love there is nothing like long distance. So increase your communication and visit him. But remember a love that start with intense circumstance sometime end abruptly. Good luck!

My boyfriend odor needs perfume


I am 29 while my guy is 35. We have been dating for over 3 years. He is working in one of the leading financial institutions in the city. We are so much in love but the main problem is that he is having body odor.

He doesn't use perfume or roll on. Many times I have talked to him about this. Honestly, he always buys expensive designer perfume for me while he never uses it himself. This always makes me smell and appear nice whilst he smell horribly.

Try as much as possible to let him know that as an educated and a matured man working in a highly respected office, his body odor irritate his co-workers, friend’s even customers. Although they might not tell him this but let him know how you had met them discussing about his disgusting odor because they feel uncomfortable with what is oozing out of his body.

You are his girlfriend equally best friend, with open mouth tell him that he always smell badly whenever he is standing closer to people or sweating. Challenge him by negate his expensive designer perfume and roll on, tell him to use them on his body. Finally, should ever he refuse to use them, sanction him that you will not go out with him talk less of allowing him to touch you anymore or crossbreed. If he cares for you he will surely do that. Good luck!

Is this love or betray?

I am a single mother of 22. My ex lover who is father of my child dated me for 10-year . During this period, we were blessed with a 2-year –old son. Yet he betrayed my love and started dating a girl staying not too far from me.

The most surprise thing now is that he is begging for the return of my love while this lady (my rival) is sending me a numerous abusive texts. I do not replied to this but I informed the father of my child. He has nothing to say than I should be patient about what ever she do t me because one day I may become her wife. What can I do to stay free life from the duo?
So far he is your child’s father which can not be disputed, do not fight with him but tell him to warn his girl friend or wife whatever he regarded her to be. If the woman continued this while your ex do not take any action, you have the right to report her to the police so that you will be able to stay a free life.

At the same time you will be free from her attack which is foreseen as a rival. Take good care of your son since the father has chosen for himself kiss him goodbye and life continue. Good luck! 

Looking for love in The Gambia


I am a single English lady and am looking for love here in The Gambia. I dye my hair red so I stand out but so far I have no luck in finding that special person. Am I trying too hard?


Not at all but just keep reading Lovelines you will surely get one. Interested are you, so call the anchorman. Good luck!

Waiting for the love of my heart


I am 31-year-old still waiting for the love of my heart. Most of the men that come around me brag too much and I do not want such men. I want a true believer, educated, socially okay and discipline someone.


If you are a good looking, educated, kind heart, lovely, caring, good believer, generous, above 35-year-old man why don’t you talk to Lovelines. Good luck!