Please, allow me to express how pleased I am with the over all arrangement of the recently concluded defense chiefs confab in the Gambia. It shows once again how committed the Gambia is to the development of the continent through collaborations with sister countries.
It is important to note that no country can achieve lasting peace without the involvement of its neighbors. As the saying goes, if your neighbor’s house is on fire and you do not get up on time, you might soon find yourself struggling to put out the fire on your own house. Take, for instance, the scenario in Liberia and Sierra Leone.
In this spirit, it is reassuring to note that our security chiefs, through the formidable ECOWAS, are there for us.
I want to take this opportunity to once again extol President Jammeh for his worthwhile, wonderfully conceived and expertly placed address to the security chiefs, when they called on him at the State House. I think these are the kind of advices these people need.
Since they are the ones that go to war, they have a great role in averting any eminent war. Therefore, President Jammeh’s admirable address to his guests reflects his leadership qualities, and I believe it will have given those security men a gist of the Gambian intelligence.
Gambians should pray that Allah bless our president, and grant him long life and good health.