Women’s empowerment, a collective responsibility

Thursday, March 27, 2008

As the 8th March every year is set aside by the United Nations, to champion and show case issues affecting women the world over, this day needs to be celebrated considering the pivotal role played by them for any society to progress.  This group constitute half the population of the world and that about the primary role they played in taking care of the household.

In our beloved country, The Gambia, a lot is been done to better the living condition of our mothers.  The Gambian woman is indeed fortunate because the leadership in this country believes in empowering them in all strata of developments, be it education, health, agriculture just to name a few.

As we celebrate this very important and special day, I would like to salute women the world over and Gambian women in particular. We should collectively put our hands together so as to better the lives of our women.  Yes, they cannot do it alone and the opposite sex must be involved.  Keep up the momentum activists of women rights.

Fakeba Camara

Old Jeshwang

Author: DO