Well done SoS Colley for Roots Festival Programme

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Going through the program schedule of the 9th international roots festival, one will be optimistic that this year Roots will be a success and a memorable one. For the first time participants will spend a night in Albreda and Juffereh, the very core of why the roots is held, another night in Janjangbureh, a very important historical relics and a visit to Wassu a high tourist attraction.

Thanks to the DOSTC under the able leadership of Ms Angella Colley, the Roots Secretariat and the NCAC under Mr Joof, for working very hard to decentralize this year's celebrations there by surceasing the cultural diversity and reach history of the Gambia from the Grater Banjul areas to the provinces.

s As a regional cultural officer of the NCAC,places like Borobodur and Prambanan here in Java Tengha, which contributed in attracting more than Five milloin visitors last year are just like James Island and the stone circle in the Gambia to me.Holding festivals in these places will not only attracts Roots participants but will also encourage Gambians to visit and take part ,there by contributing positively to the promotion and development of these places.

Ebrima Sarr,Indonesia

Author: DO