“solitude as a Discovery”

Friday, March 7, 2008
Finding yourself?  If there is a better cure for self-deception than solitude, it is yet to be discovered you turn inward,
there’s nothing to distract you, to look at yourself.

I prize the privilege of being alone, you need solitude if you are to fulfil your promises. We must like a painter, take time to stand back from our work, to be still, and thus see what’s what ... time repose is standing back to survey the activities that fill our days.

In solitude, one can achieve a good relationship with oneself.  The goal of a health solitude is love, love and acceptance of ourselves as me are and where we are, and love and compassion for others.

If someone is to know himself/herself, then periods of solitude should be courted, planned, and embraced.  Before you can enjoy your solitude, you have to get to know yourself who you are what you like to do, what raises your spirits, what gives you a feeling of accomplishment.  The most important education you can get is your own-the one you learn in solitude.  Only from the oasis of silence can we drink deeply from our inner cup of wisdom.  In order to get to know yourself, a person needs to be alone with his thoughts now and then.

I love being by myself, and as I grow older, I love that more than anything else.  There are so many things to think about and work out and discover who your are and where you’ve been.

Author: By Ida Jallow