The Ordained!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008
Seating on the throne of path

Planting the seeds of ausar (osiris)

The African king who every king

Want to be one with In  Truth

Justice and righteousness

Your voice singing

We joyfully dancing

Your drums beating

Capturing our hearts

Your kora playing

Reminding us the ordained have arrived

The sound of your ballafong

Unites the land

Your konting blows us to its father’s

Grace (NGONI) which takes us to the architect of

The universe ausar

With the bolongbata you took us

On a journey to maat’s

Seat of Truth

Justice and


(The origin of the judiciary system and monotheism)

While with the bombolong we were

Waiting not until you emerge in

Imhotep’s shoes (2,700 b.c)

The first man on earth “an African”

Who the revelation of healing

Human diseases came to

As well as erecting the first hospital.

Your words are the manifestations

Of the resurrection of the ordained,

Of the eastern star which is the mother

Of the American flag.

Mr president:!!

Ys you are ordained

To sit on maat’s

To square our actions and keep in due balance

With the ostrich hat. the all seeing eye

As your crown.

Author: By Ousman Papa J Jammeh